Gifts from My Fiends

Given to me by my Fiend Vampire Prince

Given to me by my Fiend Demonosia

Given to me by my Fiend Demonosia

My first 2008 Halloween Gift
Given to me by Fiend Lacey - September '08

Given to me by my Fiend Iekika

Given to me by my Fiend Dani

Given to me by my Fiend Mirage

Given to me by my Fiend Angelstorm / Artist unknown
No copyright infringement intended

(I think there's a pattern forming here *snicker*)

Given to me by my Fiend
Kittie - Dec. 2012

Given to me by  my Fiend Maiah - July '08

Given to me by my Fiend Demonosia

Given to me by my Fiend Ravyn

Given to me by  my Fiend Evilluv / Artist unknown
No copyright infringement intended

Given to me by my Fiend Vampire Prince

Given to me by my Fiend Mirage

Given to me on 11.18.05 by my Fiend Kat

Given to me by my Fiend Andrea

Given to me by my Fiend Andrea

Given to me Christmas 2005 by some of my Fiends...
...and yes, these are stuffed animals..and yes, they are pink Care Bears...
YES, I have some smart-ass fiends